Originally published in the Top Dog Pet Insurance Blog.

July 4th celebrations are all about lots of fireworks and parties. Every year, the day is celebrated with festivities ranging from lots of parades, fireworks, and concerts as well as gatherings and barbecues.
July 4th can be a fun holiday to spend with your friends and family. It’s an amazing time for everyone to gather and make beautiful memories!
Well, our pets are not very fond of noisy fireworks, loud music, big crowds, and all of the festivities. For cats and dogs, it can be a confusing and stressful time that causes them to run away. If you’re planning to keep your furry companions safe on the 4th of July, make sure to follow these helpful tips:
Keep your pets indoors
Try to keep your pets indoors during July 4th celebrations. Having them indoors is still not enough as they can hear the noisy fireworks and see them through the windows.
You can create a safe and comfy place for your furry member in your house. Keep them in a quiet room with calm music, comfy bedding, and their favorite toys. Just make sure that the doors and windows are closed to reduce the noise.
Give them plenty of daytime exercises
Dogs need exercise and playtime to release their pent-up energy. Without physical activity, they might develop anxiety symptoms and other behavior issues. Some pets even become destructive and bite their way to escape.
Try taking them out for some rigorous physical activities. Your four-legged companion may become too tired to care about fireworks and festivities.
Wear proper collar with ID tags
No matter where you’re keeping your pet, make sure their ID collar is on and updated. If you’ll be outside with your pet, keep him on the leash and be prepared for sudden attempts to run and escape.
Write your name, permanent address, and contact number. You must ensure that your contact info listed is up to date, and your dog is wearing his ID tag.
Update your pet’s microchip
One of the most important tasks is to update your dog’s or cat’s microchip. You need to update your microchip information with your current contact number and address.
If your cat or dog is microchipped, there’s a better chance he’ll return home safely. This information will help you to reunite with your furry family member. TopDog pet insurance can pay some part on the chip ID on the wellness plan.
Secure all windows and doors
Check that all possible escape exits, like doors and windows, and ensure that they are secure. Make sure all of your guests at parties are aware that you are trying to keep your pet inside
Keep pets away from dangerous food
The common July 4th foods that are not safe for your pets during July 4th celebrations include cakes, brownies, cookies, pies, beer, and wine. Avoid offering your cat or dog cooked bones as they are likely to splinter and can cause severe damage to your pet’s stomach and intestines.
Don’t let pets near fireworks
Everyone loves fireworks during the 4th of July celebration but some cats and dogs are frightened of them. The loud noise of the fireworks might scare them and they may become overly stressed.
You must ensure that your pet is safe and away from the fireworks’ leftovers. A cat’s or dog’s fur can easily catch fire if it gets too close to a flame. Also, fireworks and sparklers have toxic ingredients in them. You don’t want your furry companion to be sniffing around these chemicals! Loud noise from fireworks can cause hearing loss in pets if they are too close when they explode.
Wrapping up
We often hear stories about unpleasant incidents during the July 4th celebration. This can be avoided if you take proper precautions.
As a pet parent, you are responsible for taking good care of your pet on July 4th. Not all pets are the same. They probably don’t want to accompany you to the local park to view the fireworks extravaganza. Your furry children would perhaps prefer to stay home where they feel secure until the festivities have ended. Just be mindful of your pet’s safety, enjoyment, and comfort.
Looking for more ways to keep your pets healthy and happy? Consider investing in a pet insurance plan with TopDog Pet Insurance through Ashley Insurance Agency! Contact us and get your free quote today.
Have a great day and enjoy the holiday!